AES Philosophy

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AES Philosophy

• Building an atmosphere of trust that enables our students to question, take risks, collaborate, assume  responsibility for independent work and pursue individual and group interests.
• Providing quality education, with the trust and communication of parents and staff members, to empower our students and expand their options throughout their future lives and career paths.
• Cultivating imagination and instilling an appreciation for learning as a joyful and lifelong pursuit.
• Honesty and integrity are best taught through being modeled by students, staff and parents.
• Great accomplishments are achieved through persistence and hard work.
• Building an atmosphere of trust that enables our students to question, take risks, collaborate, assume  responsibility for independent work and pursue individual and group interests.
• Providing quality education, with the trust and communication of parents and staff members, to empower our students and expand their options throughout their future lives and career paths.
• Cultivating imagination and instilling an appreciation for learning as a joyful and lifelong pursuit.
• Honesty and integrity are best taught through being modeled by students, staff and parents.
• Great accomplishments are achieved through persistence and hard work

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